Gospel World provides a full 3D interactive virtual world that is a very realistic environment. With avatar representation of yourself, you can walk around in the world talk with others using chat or voice, participate in Bible study groups or the church service, much as you would in the real world.
There are several good reasons we have discovered for this project:
- New contact outreach - This place offers fellowship with other SDA members for those who want to interact with others. If need be it also has a layer of anonymity.
- Home bound access - Anyone who is unable to get out of home to attend a church do not have very many options. Several SDA Churches have live stream services, but that tends to be one direction only. Here it is like going to a church, and can meet with other people, participate in Bible study groups, prayer with and support for each other.
- Personal protection - Those who are in countries where being a Christian has a death penalty, provides a connection with others and ability to learn more while keeping personal information private.
Jesus promises to be with us wherever two or three are gathered together in His name. The promise did not specify how the assembly together was required to be, if they can communicate and pray together, God is able to be with them!
Church services here are not "role play". In all ways this is as much a real service as it is possible to be. Real SDA pastors may preach here, Granite Bay SDA Sabbath School and Church services are shown from the live stream video.
What we do not do:
We do not hold baptisms in this virtual church; for that a connection with a local area SDA pastor is required. Tithe is not collected here; it should be sent to the appropriate level of your area SDA church organization, be it mission, conference, Union or even the General Conference.